The Goal That Means The Most To Me In Life Is This

Luis Duque
Sep 6, 2022


If I had to pick, I would have 1 big goal in life.

And that’s to be the best husband and father.

The reason this is my goal is that family is forever.

I believe every person should nurture their family relationships because you feel motivated, happy, and empowered when you have a happy relationship with your family.

I certainly don’t think this is the only goal that matters in life. I also want to:

  • Be a great engineer
  • Help as many young engineers as possible through my content
  • Create a life that inspires others to follow

But above all else, the thing that means the most to me is this.

If you have similar life aspirations, shoot me a message.

I’d love to connect!



Luis Duque

I am full-time bridge engineer looking to make the world a better place. I volunteer with Engineers Without Borders with projects in South and Central America.